A Week with Canon TS-E 90mm Tilt and Shift Lens and Some Food

I had a busy but fun week playing and shooting with Canon TS-E 90mm f/2.8 Tilt Shift Lens. I rented that lens from LensREntals.com together with Canon EF 1.4X III Telephoto Extender. I was also using it with my EF 25 II Extension Tube.

I didn’t run any formal tests. I was just playing with the tilt feature shooting some food and small products. I didn’t have a chance to touch the shift movement. It was a lot of learning and plenty of inspiration.

scoop of blueberries

It is interesting that I ended up using the tilt to decrease the field of depth rather than increasing it.

hamantaschen cookies

I am hooked. I love possibilities to control the depth of field. Now, the questions is do I really need that lens. Could I justify buying it? Most of my studio shots are done these days with Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS Macro Lens. It seems to be sharper than 90mm TS-E.

spoon of muesli cereal

You can find a thorough review of Canon TS 90 mm (and other tilt and shift lenses) by Keith Cooper at Northerlight Images

The above pictures are available for purchase (licensing) directly from my stock photography portfolio.

Related post:
Fall Leaves with Canon TS-E 45mm Tilt and Shift Lens

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