I have been living and enjoying outdoors in Fort Collins, Colorado, for 25 years. My outdoor life is biases towards different forms of paddling: kayak, canoe, SUP (stand up paddleboard), but I like hiking, road and mountain biking, inline skating and road trips with a camera. My favorite places in Fort Collins and northern Colorado are presented in my new photoblog Mountain Wayfarer. Actually, Mountain Wayfarer was one for my first websites created almost 15 years and covering paddling, hiking, biking, inline skating and racing. That website still exist, but was abandoned when I moved to blogging platforms and focused mainly on my paddling blogs: Paddling with a Camera and Fitness Paddling.
Most of my recent Colorado pictures are available for download and licensing as royalty free images directly from my own website, Pixels Away Stock, and from several stock agencies.
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Cache la Poudre River at Little Narrows
Fisheye Lens View from a Canoe
Hiking Eagle’s Nest Open Space near Fort Collins, Colorado